Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the product in early access free?

During early access, our product will be free as we seek feedback from users like you on its features and usability. We believe that this strategy will allow us to build a community of users who can provide us with valuable insights that will help us make informed decisions about pricing. Your feedback will be incredibly valuable as we refine our product. Try our product today and share your thoughts with us. We are committed to making your calendar experience simpler and look forward to hearing your feedback!

Will there be a free version of the product after the early access period?

Our service is designed to work behind the scenes to ensure your calendar is always on point. It's incredibly reliable and accurate, so you can trust it to keep your schedule organized. However, this kind of non-stop processing requires a lot of resources and costs money every month to maintain.

To keep our service running, we've implemented a subscription model for Flatcal. While we understand that pricing is important, we unfortunately won't be offering a free version of the product after the early access period. But don't worry, our aim is to keep the cost as low as possible while still delivering the high-quality service you deserve. At Flatcal, we're committed to making sure you get your money's worth.

How long will the early access period last?

We have not yet determined an exact timeline for when the product will be out of early access. Our focus right now is on building a great product and gathering feedback from early adopters. Join the early access waitlist to be among the first to know when the product is ready.

We understand that not having a concrete timeline can be frustrating, but rest assured that we are working tirelessly to ensure that the product is of the highest quality before its full release. We appreciate your support and patience during this process, and we look forward to providing updates as soon as possible.

Is there a discount for early adopters who continue using the product after early access?

We are currently exploring the possibility of providing exclusive offers or discounts to our loyal customers who have been with us since the beginning and continue to use our product even after the early access phase. We want to express our gratitude for your unwavering support and assure you that we will take it into consideration as we make pricing and promotional decisions.

What are the benefits of signing up for the early access program?

As one of our first users, you'll have the chance to try out our product before anyone else and give us valuable feedback that will allow us to make it even better. You'll also have the opportunity to help shape the future direction of the product and join a community of early adopters who share your passion for simplifying calendar usage. And best of all, you'll get to use our product for free during the early access period! We can't wait to have you on board!

Will the pricing be based on a subscription model or a one-time payment?

Flatcal will offer a subscription-based pricing model. Our service processes and updates your calendar continuously to ensure its accuracy. We recognize the significance of a dependable and precise calendar, which is why we work non-stop to provide the best service and support to our users. Our service is designed to work behind the scenes to ensure your calendar is always on point. It's incredibly reliable and accurate, so you can trust it to keep your schedule organized. However, this kind of non-stop processing requires a lot of resources and costs money every month to maintain. The subscription model allows us to continue to offer this level of service to our users.